Our House

Our House

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Yard Sale Finds- You Just Gotta Keep Looking

After last weekend's bust I finally got some good finds this weekend! No furniture but some small items. Sometimes people ask me how I find such good stuff. You just gotta keep on going until you do! I went to sooo many sales this weekend. It was great weather so I guess a lot of people decided to have a yard sale. I started with a list of sales from Craigslist but also looked for signs along the way.

Here are my finds...I got all of this for $13!

I have a couple favorites...I am excited about the vintage painted milk glass vases. I don't have any so these are my first ones! $1.50 for both. My second favorite is the creamer and sugar bowl for $1 for both. I already have a creamer and sugar bowl but I couldn't pass these up and they may just be used for decoration. My third favorite item, which is really only cool for me, is the brand new Hunger Games books for $5! I was actually going to buy these online so yard sales for the win again. Then I got some books and crafty stuff so those are always good standbys at yard sales. Hopefully next weekend there will be as many sales again!


  1. That's my girl! Love it...FYI...my Nanny used to collect cream and sugar sets...your siblings have broken about three of them :(

    1. Bad kids. I am sure it wasn't me. I never break anything...
