Our House

Our House

Monday, August 19, 2013

Glass Tile Backsplash- It Makes a Room

Here is a picture of our kitchen before we installed the backsplash....It is very white. It needs something!

 Picking out a backsplash was exciting. It is so easy now with so many options and the small tiles usually come in 12x12 sheets already connected. We liked a lot of them and bought a couple to bring home before we decided. We ended up choosing an all glass option from The Home Depot that was only $5 a square foot! With tile and all the supplies we spent about $130. It made a big impact for a small price.

A staff member at The Home Depot was very helpful and told us everything we needed to buy: Trowel, Grout Float, Microfiber Sponge, Tile Nipper, Thin-Set Morter, and Non-Sanded Grout.

Pascal was able to complete this project in one weekend and this was his first time tiling anything so it is a project that a beginner can do! The first day he cut the tile that needed to be cut, used the trowel to put up the thin-set and laid the tile. The second day he applied the grout.

Here are step by step instructions for installing a backsplash from The Home Depot.

A couple of things about backsplashes. Getting this sponge with the microfiber side was really helpful for wiping the grout film off. Another thing, we bought the thin set and grout that you had to mix yourselves but if you want a quicker job you can get the pre-mixed kind for a bit more money.

One thing we had a bit of trouble with was cutting down the tile. Since we were using the small glass tiles the tile guy at The Home Depot recommend tile nippers over a wet saw. And also it was cheaper (I think the ones we bought were even less then the ones I linked to). For the price I recommend giving it a go but they were kind of hard to use. Basically you are just scoring a line on the tile and then snapping it. Sometimes the tiles did not always break evenly but as long as you have a couple extras you will be fine.

Pascal made the small sheet metal pieces for the end for a nice even edge
So beautiful!

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