Our House

Our House

Sunday, August 4, 2013

So this is blogging...

I have a blog whaaat. I finally decided to take the plunge after two years of renovating our home and learning how to DIY. My mom, a couple friends, and husband have been telling me for a while to start a blog. However I was very hesitant to do this and had to think about it a lot. As someone who over the past year has started reading blogs, thanks to Pinterest, I know that there are already a LOT of blogs out there. A lot of blogs run by very talented people. So my hesitancy with starting a blog is that I don't know that I have anything new to offer. However I decided that I needed to because if anything it will help me remember what we have done! So even if its just me and my mom reading the blog...that is okay.

So here goes nothing. My husband and I are not professionals. My husband does do roofing/sheet metal work so that helps somewhat. But mostly we are a young couple trying to figure out how to first of all just manage a house and second of all make it our own. On a very small budget. Hence two years later we are not done.

My plan is to do some posts on past projects that we have done as well as current ones. House projects mixed in with crafty projects. I would  like to do some yard sale-ing posts as well and we shall see what else happens.

Thanks for reading!

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