Our House

Our House

Monday, August 12, 2013

Yard Sale Find- Vintage Crate

Side Note: Dear HGTV, why is Brother vs Brother on at 10 pm on Sunday nights? This makes waking up Monday mornings a lot harder. Love, Loyal but Tired Fan

I grew up going to yard sales with my grandma and brother. My grandma is a professional yard-saler. But then I got too cool and I would sit in the car and read (told you I was cool) while they stopped at the houses.

This summer I asked my grandma if I could start going with her again because, hello, cheap stuff! After learning from my grandma I have even been able to venture off on my own...Although I am still not up to her level.

One thing about yard sales is that you have to go to a LOT and have to look at a lot of other peoples crap stuff before you find anything good. Take this past weekend for example. I drove aalllll around town and this is all I got:

I only spent 50 cents so my husband thought that was a good weekend but still it was kind of sad...So I decided to make up for it by working on a yard sale find I got a couple of weeks ago. I found this awesome old soap powder crate at a yard sale for $4!!!

I knew it would be great for storage and it sat in our extra bedroom for a while...Then I pinned this project from the Thrifty Decor Chick and decided to put it on wheels.

I bought these wheels from Home Depot for $5 bringing my project total to $9.

My first step was cleaning the crate...it was really dirty. I stuck it in my bathtub and ran the shower over it. Probablyyy would have been better to do this outside with a hose but it was 10 pm so I stuck with the shower...

After that I cleaned it MORE with Clorox wipes.

I sanded it lightly just on the rougher spots and coated the whole crate with Poly just to seal and protect the wood and to bring out the color a little better.

My husband attached the wheels for me so I won't take credit for that. This was such a quick and easy project and I love that the box is for soap powder so it is perfect for laundry. I put it in the bedroom for dirty laundry...Its a little smaller than our regular basket so if it gets annoying I will put it in the laundry room for storage. Maybe its small size will make me do more laundry...?


  1. Love it! What a great yard sale find and upgrade. :) To me, it screams laundry room. If you have the room, this is what I would do: Make the homemade laundry detergent powder that I make and store it in a 5 gallon bucket. Put the 5 gallon bucket in this and also put a smaller bucket next to it to throw lint, trash out of pockets, etc into. Then put it close to the washer and dryer. The powder I make would last you guys for the whole year. I put it on my blog, but never updated it because I'm lame. However, for us...I did over 350 loads before it was gone. (I can't remember the exact total offhand) I really should go and find my calculations and update. Here's the link if you're curious. http://www.momofjstk.blogspot.com/2013/01/pinterest-project-post.html

    Also, you store the bulk of the detergent in the 5 gallon bucket and I keep the oxyclean container up next to my washer with a small scoop. You really only use 1 Tablespoon per load...or a little more if it's super dirty/stinky. ;)
