Our House

Our House

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My Attempt at Gardening

 When we moved into our house two years ago our garden looked something like this...A bunch of weeds, a bunch of grass, and some miscellaneous flowers and bushes. I just wanted to start from scratch since I couldn't even tell what was a weed and what was supposed to be there. My grandmother actually got it started with digging some of it up (while my great aunt was helping to paint my bedroom-they're young).

The first spring in the house I finally got all of the plants up. It was a work out so I would say gardening is not exactly a leisurely activity...it requires work. I wonder how many calories you can burn gardening?

There were some plants on the left side of the porch as well but once I dug those up I just planted grass there. I can only manage one "finished" spot with plants for now. 

There was some plastic brick trim around the area as well that I dug up. You can see in the below picture that the grass around the sidewalk was very overgrown. Pascal took care of that with a square shovel and a weedwacker. 

We gained a lot of sidewalk, it was amazing. We still need to power-wash the sidewalk as it is stained where the grass was overgrown. 

The driveway had to be trimmed out as well. 

My grandmother helped me pick out some plants and I spent about $200 between flowers and the brick trim. Most of the plants that I bought are perennials so they will come back the next year (Shocker I didn't kill them-they all actually did come back this past summer!). I decided to buy the white brick trim as we had the same brick trim in red around the trees in the front yard. You can see some of it on the porch. There was an empty circle of brick in the yard that we pulled out. I guess there used to be a tree there and they took the tree out but never the brick?

The garden did pretty well this summer although right now it is pretty dead...I need some more fall plants. We just wanted flowers, not bushes, so it is pretty sad looking all winter. I will have another post on what we did with the terrible blue porch posts and a picture of the whole porch update soon!

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